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HOUSTON, TX — January 11, 2021 — Today Toshiba International Corporation (TIC) announced the launch of the G9400 Series Uninterruptible Power System (UPS) for global use. The G9400 Series features Gen 7 IGBTs, the latest generation of advanced Carrier Stored Trench Bi-Polar Transistor (CSTBT) IGBT technology, the "engine" of the UPS. The G9400 technology allows for high power density in a small footprint and 97% on-line efficiency at various loads making it ideal for large Colocation or Hyper-Scale Data Centers around the globe.
The G9400 Series UPS is available in 60Hz / 480V / 1200kVA, 1600kVA, and 2000kVA models using 400kW parallel power modules. For Hyper-Scale and Colocation Data companies expanding operations around the globe, the G9400 Series UPS also includes 60 / 50Hz / 380 to 415V / 1050kVA, 1400kVA, and 1750kVA models utilizing 350kW paralleled power modules.
The G9400 Series' unique parallel power module design allows for built-in redundancy. If one power module faults, other power modules will stay on-line in double conversion mode of operation as long as the load is within power capacity of the remaining modules. This feature allows for continuous power quality protection to loads while scheduling controlled UPS service maintenance downtime, minimizing operations mayhem as well as immediate emergency service costs.
Up to six G9400 Series UPS systems can be easily paralleled for capacity or any N+x critical power tier level redundancy. The parallel gear needs no costly intelligence scheme or monitoring requirements for operation. The paralleled system control or parallel status is displayed through any of the UPS systems within the parallel configuration.
Remote monitoring of the G9400 Series UPS is available through Toshiba's state-of-the-art RemotEye®4 secure IoT multi-protocol card.
The G9400 Series UPS works with a variety of the latest Energy Storage Systems (ESS) including VRLA, wet cell, NiCad, Nickel Zinc, or Toshiba's SCiB™ Lithium Ion batteries.
The new G9400 Series adheres to Toshiba's world-renowned product quality and reliability and is backed by Toshiba's market leading three-year onsite warranty and supported by our Global Authorized Service Network providers.
"The new Toshiba G9400 Series UPS models are a perfect fit for the ever-expanding medium to large scale Data Center facilities in the US and throughout the globe," states Greg Mack, Vice President and General Manager of the Toshiba Power Electronics Division. "The G9400 Series UPS, mated with the Toshiba SCiB™ ESS and other Toshiba End-to-End Solutions leads the industry in safety, reliability, footprint, and efficiency."
TIC is a Toshiba America Inc. (TAI) Group Company, a wholly owned subsidiary of Toshiba Corporation. TIC is headquartered in Houston, Texas and employs approximately 1,400 people. TIC provides application solutions to a wide range of industries including industrial, power systems, and transmission and distribution systems. For more information about TIC, please visit www.toshiba.com/tic.
The TIC Power Electronics Division has more than 34 years of experience in Uninterruptible Power Systems. Toshiba produces a versatile range of single-phase and three-phase UPS solutions and accessories hallmarked for outstanding performance and reliability. Single-phase models range from 1 to 22 kVA, while three-phase single module systems range from 15 to 2,000 kVA, and three-phase parallel module systems from 100 to 12,000 kVA with SCiB™ Lithium Ion Energy Storage System. These systems are suitable for a wide range of applications including data centers, industrial, commercial, retail, healthcare, emergency lighting, broadcasting, and telecommunication.
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